Monday, February 15, 2010

Cakelets - A New Trend is Sweeping the Nation

A brilliant idea becomes a success. Amy Eilert, a wife and mother of 2 living in NJ packs up the family to move to Wake Forest, a quaint bedroom community in picturesque North Carolina. A petite girl with an eccentric edge, Amy always marched to the beat of her own drum. Her fearless drive and workhorse moxie has made her a success in all that she pursues. As a talented classical pianist and music teacher, Amy decided to change careers and focus on miniature cake design.(though she still plays piano almost every day!) She combines the art of a sculpted cake and transforms what was once considered a cupcake into a palm sized masterpiece. The "Cakelet" was born.
Cupcake Envy, launched in 2006, specialized in artistically sculpted mini cakes. Introducing a new concept to the public is no easy task. Questions like, "What is a mini cake? What occasion would I use this for? Is it a cupcake or a cake?" soon followed along with intrigue and excitement. The answers are easy:

Picture a sculpted cake fit for a Food Network Challenge and shrink it down to the size of a cupcake and there you have a Cakelet. Known also as mini cakes or petite cakes, cakelets are a 1-2 serving of cake sculpted and decorated into any shape you can imagine. A dessert such as this is special, created solely for the recipient or guest of honor to fancy and enjoy.

Better than sending flowers or fruit baskets, Cupcake Envy's Cakelets provide people with the opportunity to customize an edible masterpiece for anyone to celebrate any occasion. "We stumbled upon brilliance" said Amy regarding the popularity of her concept. "After launching Cupcake Envy in 2006, I am thrilled to see our idea of cakelets taking off." Online cake shops throughout the country are following Amy's lead by including cakelets in their lists of baking arsenal. With Amy's large portfolio of cakelet designs available for viewing online, many of Amy's designs are frequently replicated and often sited as Cupcake Envy inspirations.

In only 3 years, Cupcake Envy's cakelets have been featured in Brides Magazine, The Ugly Betty Show, and numerous high profile blogs including Daily Candy. With the cakelet buzz sweeping the internet, Amy can be found teaching Cakelet classes throughout the country including Austin's That Takes The Cake Show where she is a guest judge for their first ever cupcake competition as well as teaching cakelet workshops in Ontario, Canada.

What's next for Cupcake Envy? A book is in the works covering everything you need to know about creating cakelets including a large selection of step by step cakelet designs easy to achieve with fabulous results.

"Cupcake Envy is pure genius", a fan writes.............."all of their designs are so unique, I'm sure we'll be hearing a lot about Cupcake Envy's cakelets in the coming months"

So, as Cupcake Envy continues to nurture their concept of custom cakelets, bakeries and cake artists throughout the country are catching " cakelet fever" and scrambling to get their piece of the cakelet.

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