Friday, May 7, 2010

New Classes and Mailer

Hey Guys and Gals--

Long time, no see!

We have been super busy, between orders, teaching classes around the US and trying to raise families we have managed to schedule some local classes! We are going to be teaching a newly titled Cupcakes and Fondant class called Fun with Fondant! It combines an introduction to fondant with the basics of decorating cupcakes. Students will get to experiment with a host of easy fondant techniques including but not limited to.....texture mats, cutters, edible painting and more! You will create SIX beautiful cupcakes to share with family and friends....or just admire them and then devour them yourself!! June 8th 6:30-8:30 Wake Forest

We are also going to be teaching a new class called Cakelet Creations. It is really a condensed sculpting cakelets class. It is THREE whole hours of learning all the basics of creating three of our most popular cakelet designs...The Dress, The Purse & The T-Shirt! You will need a little bit of experience with fondant and a drive to know how to create and carve cakelets...THAT'S IT! No supplies needed! June 15th 6-9pm Wake Forest

Spots are limited so click HERE to register NOW!!!

We have also started a brand spanking new email newsletter. Please shoot me an email at if you are interested in receiving it. Our first one went out today, so have no fear if you don't have your name on the list. Our newsletter will start containing tips and secrets for decorating cakelets AND special deals!!! So sign up soon!

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