Sunday, November 7, 2010

Keeping up with Cupcake Envy

It's been a while since we've had a moment to blog and so much has happened to chat about.
First, Cupcake Envy has been quite busy filling a lot of fun cakelet designs. Our shipping has become extremely popular so our quirky cakelets have been traveling a lot throughout the United States.

Second,Cupcake Envy had the pleasure of competing in our first Food Network Challenge. We do not have an air date yet but will keep you posted. There's so much we can't wait to talk about once it airs.

Third- We are revamping our website making it easier than ever to get your hands on a Cupcake Envy cakelet design. We appreciate your patience throughout that process. Don't forget to follow us on twitter and become a fan of Cupcake Envy on Facebook for daily tips, tricks, and chatter.

Fourth - Cupcake Envy has been invited to teach in Ontario in June 2011 at Icing Inspirations. If you are in the Ontario area, click on the link below to sign up for classes.

Cupcake Envy has also been inviting to teach at Cake Love 2011 in Vancouver, Canada along side some of the best designers in the field today. Don't miss this great opportunity to learn how to make some really fun cakelet designs.

Lastly- our class schedule is ready for posting. Sign up through our shopping to reserve your spot. Seats are limited.

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