Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Zombie Attack!!!

Fight Zombies with Cakelets!

 Zombies are everywhere!!!  So, you must be prepared in case of an attack.  There are a few necessities you'll need if you are going to stand a chance. We'll get to that later, let's start with the cake board.

The board design was pretty straight forwardI didn't even bother to cover in fondant.  It just had to be bloody.  Using a mixture of red gel coloring and vodka, I made the blood splatters by flicking the end of a fan shaped paint brush.  The effect was pretty cool but I knew I needed a hand print.  It was late and my hand was the only one available at the time.  Although the bloody hand print turned out cool, it is day 3 since creating this design and my hand stills appears suspect.
 Next, it was on to the Survival Kit.  Again I made a small sheet cake and cut out a rectangle shape.  The box was covered in white fondant and using a ruler, I indented a line going around the side of the box then dusted the line with charcoal petal dust for depth.  I added 2 latches and a handle then adhered an edible image Zombie Attack Survival Kit image on the top.  Lastly, I dripped some "blood" (see above) along the sides.  Yuck!  That must have been one hell of a battle.
Next, we needed a weapon.  The most common and efficient weapons for fighting zombies include bats and shotguns.  Due to space issues, I went with an axe.  It will still do the job and let's assume the bat and shotgun are in the survival box. Hee!
The tree stump is stacked circles of cake and covered in chocolate fondant.  The top of the stump is a lighter shade of brown with scribed circular rings. (it was an old tree ;)  The axe was created using brown fondant for the handle and gray fondant for the blade which I painted with a mixture of silver luster dust and vodka......and of course, I added some blood!
A quick Beware Sign was created using edible imaging.
And if you look close, you can see a silhouette of a fallen zombie. I killed the zombie and won the battle....this time........ 


  1. ohhhh boy... this is inspiration for my daughter's Crime Scene: Sweet 16 party! No zombies, but crime scene none the less!!! As always - you kick ass! Can't wait for the cakelet class in NJ

  2. Heehee! So awesome...! It would be hard/disturbing to eat this cake!!! It looks so real and creepy!
